Friday, January 15, 2010


How does stress affect YOU?

For some, its an upset stomach. For others, recurring headaches, back pain, or muscle stiffness. Still others respond with nervous twitches, allergic reactions, or sensitivities to chemicals. Regardless of your particular response, the function of your nervous system is involved. Thats why chiropractic can be so helpful.

Stress has been with us since the beginning of time. Every era has faced its share of threatening situations. Today, the stressof work, project dealines, personal conflicts, and the demands on our time and money, take a huge toll on our health.

It may surprise you that your "feelings" of stress may have nothing to do with the stress in your life. Poor posture, prolonged sitting, an accident, or even an old injury can lead tospinal stress. Chronic pain and muscle tension can cause you to experience nervousness and irritability.

The chiropractic approach to stress is to help normalize the function of your nervous system by removing interferences caused by spinal joint dysfunction.

For more information on how we can help you or someone you know, please visit our website @ or call our office to set up a consult appointment. 813-254-5200

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Don't forget about Dr. John Parker's Peripheral Neuropathy Seminar this Friday!!! The seminar is free, but the information is valuable! If you or someone you know has the following symptoms, then you will want to be sure to attend. Peripheral Neuropathy can affect the hands, legs and/or feet.

*Numbness * Burning Pain *Cramping *Sharp, Electric Pain *Pain When Walking *Difficulty Sleeping From Leg Discomfort *Prickling/Tingling Feelings

Bring your spouse, bring a guest. The more the merrier.

* please call in advance to reserve your seat* 813-254-5200

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Your nervous system controls everything! Chiropractic is based on the scientific fact that your nervous system controls the function of viturally every cell, tissue, organ, and system of your body. Your nervous system consists of your brain, spinal cord, and all the nerves in the body.

Chiropractors are experts in the care of the bones, nerves, muscles and connective tissues that make up about 60% of your body. All of the joints in your body are part of this musculo-skeletal system and its optimal function is necessary for overall good health.

Call to schedule an appt or free consult with Dr. Parker for more information about a care program that may include specific spinal adjustments, exercise recomendations, nutritional advice or other conservative methods of care based on your health history, age, current condition and lifestyle.

Dr. Parker's office is located at 4343 W. Henderson Blvd, Tampa, FL 813-254-5200. Our office bills all major med insurances and we offer affordable care plans for cash patients as well. Call today!