Migraine pain is most often felt in the temple, but it may be experienced anywhere in the face, head or neck.
So, what puts the ache in headache? The pain sensitive structure of the head is the culprit. These are the arteries of the brain and skull, the tissues surrounding the head veins, the dura matter covering over the brain, and certain ner
ves called cranial nerves. When these parts are inflamed or stretched, pulled or under pressure, any type of headache may occur.

Dr. Parker takes a different approach to the treatment and prevention of migraines and headaches. After a thorough neurological exam, the Dr. determines which part of the nervous system is not functioning properly. Take a look at our website www.parkercare.com and click on migraines and chronic headaches for more information and a heartfelt testimonial from a very happy patient.

Call to set up a consult or appt today 813-254-5200