Advanced Chiropractic Rehabilitation Center offers solutions to many conditions such as chronic fatigue, chronic pain, sleep problems, digestive disorders, thyroid issues, anxiety, depression, etc. Dr. John Parker treats these patients by looking at them metabolically, neurologically and structurally. Studies show that many of these ailments which were previously treated with surgery and/or drugs are now shown to be treatable by chiropractic care. Most chronic conditions have an underlying cause that can be corrected. Thats great news!

Dr. Parker is also a certified DAN! (defeat autism now) doctor with over 150 post graduate hours in Childhood Neurobehavioral Disorders. This enables him to treat patients, especially children, with ADD, ADHD, Autism, Aspergers, etc.
For more information on how Dr Parker can help you or your child, please call to schedule a no obligation consultation. And check back frequently for information on upcoming free classes and seminars in nutrition, ADD, spinal health and much more!