Monday, December 28, 2009


Migraine pain is most often felt in the temple, but it may be experienced anywhere in the face, head or neck.
So, what puts the ache in headache? The pain sensitive structure of the head is the culprit. These are the arteries of the brain and skull, the tissues surrounding the head veins, the dura matter covering over the brain, and certain nerves called cranial nerves. When these parts are inflamed or stretched, pulled or under pressure, any type of headache may occur.

Dr. Parker takes a different approach to the treatment and prevention of migraines and headaches. After a thorough neurological exam, the Dr. determines which part of the nervous system is not functioning properly. Take a look at our website and click on migraines and chronic headaches for more information and a heartfelt testimonial from a very happy patient.

Call to set up a consult or appt today 813-254-5200

Monday, December 21, 2009


Dr. John Parker, Tina and April would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

Holiday hours for the office are as follows

Mon, Dec 21st - 9:00am - 12:00pm & 3:00pm - 6:00pm

Tues, Dec 22nd - 3:00pm - 6:00pm

Wed, Dec 23rd - 9:00am - 12:00pm & 3:00pm - 6:00pm


Mon, Dec 28th - 9:00am - 12:00pm & 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Tues, Dec 29th - 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Wed, Dec 30th - 9:00am - 12:00pm & 3:00pm - 6:00pm


Our office will re-open on Monday, January 4th at 9:00am


Thursday, December 17, 2009


Imagine how different your life would be if you were free from the burdens that your fibromyalgia causes you.

Have you suffered with Fibromyalgia symptoms for a few months, a few years, or too many years to mention? Many may suffer only minor symptoms, while others (perhaps you or a loved one) feel the debilitating effects of Fibromyalgia and are kept from participating in their life, making even simple daily activities almost impossible.

How Does This Work?
You are most likely starting to wonder “What is the treatment going to be like?” I can tell you from personal experience and from watching patients and staff participate in the treatments, that they are beneficial and enjoyable.

Treatments can include one-sided adjustments, simple exercise, neurological exercises, eye exercises, or vestibular stimulation. These techniques coupled with a full neurological and nutritional workup have enabled us to help most of our patients to get rid of their chronic symptoms no matter how long they have been experiencing them

Call our office today to schedule an appt/consult/exam to see how Dr. Parker can help YOU! 813-254-5200

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Brain Enhancement

Our Brain Enhancement Program recognizes that ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia, learning disabilities, Autism, etc. have similar primary underlying causes. The areas of the brain involved in these disorders require similar intervention strategies.

Since hemispheric imbalance is often the main problem, it is not enough to just generally stimulate the brain. We must stimulate one side more than the other.

A hemispheric-based approach, or activities directed toward the goal of achieving a balance between the two sides of the brain, is the key to success. To achieve this we use hemispheric-specific activities including motor, academic, behavioral, audio-visual, and biochemical modalities.

Check our website for more information and to see an amazing testimonal from a child under care and see how well he has responded.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Peripheral Neuropathy

Learn all about this disorder and how Dr. Parker can help you or your loved one. A class will be held here at our office on Wednesday, December 16th at 12:30pm. Mark your calendars and plan to attend.

Some neuropathies come on suddenly, others over many years. Some people are affected only by a weakness in the arms and legs which legs which leads to difficulty standing, walking, or getting out of a chair. The loss of sensation from the feet, ankles and toes contributes to patients not having a ‘good sense’ of where there feet are in space, touching the ground, and this causes them to fall very easily. These under-recognized sensory losses CAN ONLY be detected with proper clinical exam. This office has the necessary tools to uncover the underlying cause of this ’silent’ nerve damage.

Visit our website for more information on peripheral neuropathy.

The information provided in this class will be of great value to you if you are suffering or know someone who may have this type of problem. There is NO CHARGE for the class. Please call our office at 254-5200 to reserve your seat to attend the class.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Dr. Parker and his staff would like to wish everyone a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving Day. Enjoy your holiday. Our office will be closed in observance of the holiday, but will re-open at 9am on Monday morning. We have a lot going on between now and the end of the year, so don't miss out.
Nutrition Workshop will be held on
Tues, Dec 8th at 6:15 pm

Seminar on ADD/ADHA/Autism/Aspergers will take place on Saturday Dec 12th at 11am.

Call our office at 254-5200 for more information and to reserve your seat

Monday, November 23, 2009


Do you suffer from any of the following problems?

*Stress/High Cortisol Levels

*Digestive Problems

*Sleep Problems

*Blood Sugar Disorders/Disregulation/Insulin Resistance

*Pre-Diabetes/Diabetes Type II

*Thyroid Disease/Hashimotos/Thyroiditis


*Gluten Sensititivities

Then Dr. Parkers Nutrition Workshop would be of great help to you!

Join us on

Tuesday, December 8th
at 6:15pm
4343 W. Henderson Blvd
Tampa, FL

*Please call today to reserve your seat*

Health management through functional nutrition is the key. Looking forward to seeing many of you at this workshop

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Will you be the next to join the Wellness Revolution?

Are you ready to get off the medical merry-go-round?
If you are currently suffering from any of the following problems, chiropractic CAN HELP!!!

Neck Pain


Constant Fatigue

Lower Back Pain/Sciatica

Numbness or Soreness in your Arms or Legs

Muscle Spasms/Sprains/Strains


A Chiropractor is expert in the care of the bones, nerves, muscles and connective tissues that make up about 60% of your body. All of the joints in your body are part of a musculo-skeletal system and its optimal function is necessary for overall good health.
Schedule an appointment with Dr Parker for more information about a care program that may include specific spinal adjustments, exercise recommendations, nutritional advice and other conservative methods of care based on your health history, age, current condition and lifestyle.

Call our office @ 813-254-5200

Monday, November 16, 2009


thank you to Brigitte for her testimonial and kind words..................



Hello, my name is Brigitte. My success story is a great one, if you were in my shoes.

Almost 2 years ago I visited Dr. Parker with severe neck, back and right leg problems. Being on pain medicine for 15 years and nerve blocks the last 4 years left me feeling hopeless.

Dr. Parker's program is great for the "can you fix me?" question. Making me feel better and hoping to be able to walk again was more than I expected.

My program is now once a week, but I worked hard to reach this point. To my surprise, the supplement program has worked wonders. Who knew that this would be the plus to an A grade! How often do you find a doctor who thinks outside the box to help his patients? Really, how many doctors are truly like that?

Pictures are worth a thousand words. My picture was one of pain with days of doing little to nothing. Now my picture is much brighter as I am going to the gym and getting into shape with little to no pain.


Thursday, November 12, 2009


We're in the Tampa Bay Times (TBT). When you grab your copy, be sure to turn to page 4. Information on our next seminar concerning ADHD, Aspergers, and Autism is outlined. You wont want to miss this class. Parents, caregivers, teachers, etc are all welcome. If you know of a child who could use some help, then the information in Dr. Parker's seminar will be of great use to you.

In fact, when you grab your TBT copy this week, be sure to grab an extra one to pass on to a friend or family member who may have a child in need of assistance with one of these issues.

We'll see you at the seminar!!!!
Thursday, November 19th @ 6:15 pm
4343 W. Henderson Blvd.
Tampa, FL

Tuesday, November 10, 2009



Join us for Dr. Parker's seminar on ADD/ADHD/ASPERGERS/AUTISM.

Thursday, November 19th at 6:15 p.m.

our office is located @ 4343 W. Henderson Blvd.

Tampa, FL

There is no charge for this seminar, but the information is worth its weight in gold. Discover the latest non-drug neurological treatments and learn why its vital to have your child tested for sensitivities to gluten, milk, eggs, soy and yeast.

Discover the importance of specific lab panels in the
treatment ofADD/ADHD,Asperger’s and Autistic Spectrum Disorders.
If yourchild is struggling in school,socially,and/or emotionally, then it would be of great benefit for you to join us for this seminar.

Call our office @ 813-254-5200 to reserve your seat.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Chiropractic Health Care

Advanced Chiropractic Rehabilitation Center offers solutions to many conditions such as chronic fatigue, chronic pain, sleep problems, digestive disorders, thyroid issues, anxiety, depression, etc. Dr. John Parker treats these patients by looking at them metabolically, neurologically and structurally. Studies show that many of these ailments which were previously treated with surgery and/or drugs are now shown to be treatable by chiropractic care. Most chronic conditions have an underlying cause that can be corrected. Thats great news!

Dr. Parker is also a certified DAN! (defeat autism now) doctor with over 150 post graduate hours in Childhood Neurobehavioral Disorders. This enables him to treat patients, especially children, with ADD, ADHD, Autism, Aspergers, etc.

For more information on how Dr Parker can help you or your child, please call to schedule a no obligation consultation. And check back frequently for information on upcoming free classes and seminars in nutrition, ADD, spinal health and much more!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Pain in the Neck

Is it hard for you to look over your shoulder? Do you have a constant pulling or throbbing pain in your neck? Do you notice a grinding sound as you turn your head? Contact the doctor for a thorough examination.

A popular response to neck pain in taking drugs to cover up the problem (aspirin, analgesics, pain pills) or treating its symptoms (muscle relaxers, hot packs). But neck pain ISN'T caused by lack of aspirin or drugs! The Chiropractic approach to neck pain is to locate the underlying cause. this begins with your examination. Special attention is given to the structure and function of the spine, and its affect on the nervous system. Is the proper spinal curve present? Are the nerve openings between each pair of spinal bones free and clear? Is the head balanced? Are the shoulders level? These and other considerations are used to create a plan of specific chiropractic adjustments to help improve the motion and position of spinal vertebrae.

With improved structure and function, neck pain often diminishes or totally disappears----WITHOUT addictive drugs or harmful side effects.

Many patients with neck pain have lost the normal forward curve in the neck. This can affect the brain stem and spinal cord.

Remember, your neck has to balance and support the equivalent of a 10 - 13 lb bowling ball.

Take care of yourself! Call for an appt today!!! 813-254-5200. New patient visit with xrays if needed is now only $60. This is a $210 value. What better time to work on your aches, pains and take care of your health.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mid Back Pain Can Be a Serious Symptom

The mid back area is highly reactive and can compensate for the pelvis and lower back region or the upper neck and cervical spine area. Sitting at a computer or driving for long periods of time are two common origins of mid back-related pain. Mid back pain can also be associated with a referred pain or complication from one of the organ systems in the body such as the liver or kidneys.

Mid back pain is one of the most common complaints that patients report when they first visit a chiropractor. the mid back area is called the thoracic spine. There are normally twelve bones with a matching twelve pairs of ribs that make up the mid back area.

Symptoms of mid back pain can range from muscle tightness and spasms, trigger points (areas of acute spasm and pain), restricted range of motion when bending or twisting and sharp or stabbing pains from the back, radiating to the front. the rib cage can also become distorted causing symptoms that mimic respiratory or cardiac problems such as shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat and fast or slow heart rhythms.

This is whyb you should be evaluated by a doctor of chiropractic whenever mid back pain or symptoms occur. Dr Parker specializes in the musculoskeletal system and its biomechanical-related functions. A complete history and exam will help determine the origin of the problem and how best to proceed. A corrective care plan will then be designedfor you to alleviate your symptoms and correct the underlying problems.

Call for an appointment today. Our office hours are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 9am - 12pm and 3:00pm-6:00pm. We are open on Tuesday afternoons 3:00pm - 6:00pm. We are looking forward to meeting you!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What is an Adjustment?

What is an Adjustment?

You may hear the word from time to time from friends or family who regularly see their chiropractor and you wonder, so exactly WHAT is an adjustment?

An adjustment is the use of a specific force in a precise direction, applied to a joint that is "fixated" or "locked up" and not moving properly. Adjustments help return bones to a more normal motion or position, relieving pain and ill health.

When the 24 bones that protect the spinal cord lose their normal position or motion, delicate nerve tissue can become choked or irritated. So, when one of the bones is "out of place" so to speak, an ajustment will definitely help.

Each day millions of delightd patients choose chiropractic over drugs or surgery as a common sense approach to better health.

How does the chiropractor adjust the spine?

There are many ways to adjust the spine. Usually the doctor's hands or a specially designed instrument is used to deliver a highly accurate thrust. After years of training, Dr Parker has selected a variety of methods and has become skilled in each of those. Regardless of which technique is used, each chiropractic adjustment is specifically tailored to the patient's age, size and unique spinal problem.

Adjustments help normalize spinal function and join mobility. When nervous system function improves in this way, the body can begin the natural healing process.

Why not call our office today and make an appointment? You'll be on your way to better health!