ATTENTION NEW PATIENTS: With your $20 donation in our office to the Susan G. Komen breast cancer fund, you will receive a complete new patient work up!!!! This includes a chiropractic consult, exam, all necessary xrays, your first treatment and a report of findings. This has got to be the best deal in town, plus you'll be donating to a great cause. In addition, along with your donation, we will enter your name to win our HUGE pink basket of goodies which is displayed in our office.
ATTENTION EXISTING PATIENTS: We haven't left you out..................with your $2 or more donation in our office to the breast cancer fund, we will enter your name to win our AWESOME pink basket which is chock full of all kinds of fun items. The best part is, you can donate and enter as many times as you like. Donate just once for one entry or donate at every appointment to increase your chances to win! We'll even give you a small little pink thank you gift on your FIRST donation.
ALL ABOUT THE PINK BASKET: All items in our basket have been generously donated for the cure! Our thanks go out to the many shop owners on etsy.com ( http://www.etsy.com ) who sent literally everything from jewelry to bath and body, from notecards to sock monkeys! Other donations included are from Edward Jones, Everly Brooke Cupcakes, Johnson Bros, etc. Some patients also donated to the basket.................Mary Kay Cosmetics, and Urban-Sass.
Please help us help others. Your donation will make a world of difference. Refer a new patient today! And be sure to tell him/her that their ONLY cost for their work up will be a mere $20 donation to the breast cancer fund.
A winner will be announced on November 3rd. Lots of chances to donate and win. Lots of chances to refer new patients. They get the care they need, plus a little something extra.
What a wonderful thing to do..so glad to have been a part of it!
How great! Thank you for letting me participate!
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